
Posted on Feb 1, 2025

Hi there! 👋 I’m Thet, a software engineer living in Bangkok, Thailand. I grew up in Yangon, Myanmar. In 2022, I moved to Bangkok to seek new adventures and embrace a different way of living.



In 2017, I started my career at Bindez, where I spent a significant amount of time—4 years. After that, I transitioned to Rabbit Care, my first job after moving to Bangkok.

At the start of my career, I considered myself a frontend engineer, but I have since transitioned into a full-stack engineer role. Currently, I work at Kasikorn-X (KX) as a senior venture architect, where I use Go, gRPC, and React.


I earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Computer Studies, Yangon, in 2018. That same year, I began my journey to pursue a master’s degree. During this time, I balanced life as a master’s student with part-time work as a junior programmer at Bindez.

I published a paper at the Oriental COCOSDA International Conference in 2020. The following year, I stopped my ongoing thesis due to the situation in my home country, Myanmar.

Open Source Works

I create, maintain, and contribute to open-source projects—both my own and those of others. Here are some of my open-source works worth mentioning.


forky started as a tool to solve a problem I faced—keeping my forked repositories in sync with their upstream branches. Later, I made some tweaks and decided to open-source it. forky can be installed via brew or npm.

It is built with Go-powered Bubble Tea, Lipgloss, and Bubble—terminal UI frameworks and libraries created and maintained by the Charm Bracelet.


I also created and maintain a simple URL shortener service for my own needs. It is built with Go and PostgreSQL and deployed on Fly.io. You can try it yourself here.

Personal Life

When I’m away from my computer, I enjoy playing badminton. Every Saturday evening, I play with my friends at a court near my home—you’re welcome to join us!

group photo

We play and train together.

I often rewatch the same movies and anime rather than exploring new ones. Spirited Away is one of my favorite animes, and Coraline is my favorite stop-motion film.